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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Donate Your B&W Photos of San Jose, Costa Rica & work with the National Archives

Donate photos and work with the National Archives

  • There is no limit, you can contribute any amount you like

NOVEMBER 13, 2013


  • CR Today News

National Museum.  CRH
National Museum. Image for illustrative purposes. CRH
If you have pictures of the province of San José taken within the last five years, you can donate them and work with the National Archives in the exhibition "San Jose in black and white", which will be available to the public from November 21.
This exhibition is held to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the city of San Jose and will consist of printed images that show the city in the last two centuries.
People can donate all the images you wish by email, printed or can be given on loan to the National Archives digital copying. The idea is to collect different elements of the city, cityscape, buildings and collective celebrations such as parades, concerts, marches, among others.
The photographs must be preferably from the year 2009 to date. However, if people want to donate some of previous years are also welcome, provided they are in good condition. Although they will not be part of the exhibition, they will be included in the collection of the entity.
The specifications for those wishing to work with the exhibition is trying to maintain a minimum size of 1200 by 1800 pixels in JPG or TIF format. Also, for those wishing to email them they can do it to: difusion@dgan.go.cr with a detailed description of the place and the people who appear in the images.
Javier Gómez, coordinator Treatment Area Service Archives Historical Archives Department, explained that if it is printed photos, you may receive the gift of the image on paper. However, if the person did not want to part with the photo, you can provide it only to scan the entity.
The organizers felt that to complete the vision of the capital is necessary to take into account how you are today. For attendees will be provided a computer that displays the images sent by the public under the title of "San Jose, part of my life."
Vintage photos Melico Teatro Jorge Salazar-10-1985 of Sandozequi
According to the National Archives, the exhibition will be available until March of 2014 and since then the images will transfer to the Historical Archives as part of the collection of photographs that adds more than 300 thousand items.
The activity will be open to the public from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Leon Fernandez Bonilla room of the National Archives.


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