I (Vicki Skinner - aka "THE Sarong Goddess") created this blog in 2007 to share DETAILED Finds•Lists•Info•Events•Experiences to help bring more EASE to people living in, visiting or thinking of moving to Costa Rica since DETAILS are NOT easy to find!
I’m NOT an expert (an "expert" 2 ME knows 101%-NOT me). I believe in sharin info•helping where I can! And with over 2,200 entries, so some things might be out of date, so if you find old info PLEASE help each other by getting the updated info & sharing it with me to revise. At least you have some basic info to get you started.
Better yet - do you have extra time on your hands & looking for a volunteer project? Since this blog is a labor of love & RARELY does anyone share a donation (even though MANY have said how much it's helped them), I could REALLY use help updating info. Spanish speakers ESPECIALLY welcome since my VicLish can be somewhat limited at times!!

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• Something else to share?? A gift certificate or invite for your business? I'm open!! (at times I'll add other things here that I'm seeking)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

TOUR - Gira de Campo • Field Trip to RIO CELESTE • Parque Nacional Volcán Tenorio

Gira de campo • Field Trip to
Parque Nacional Volcán Tenorio
Río Celeste

Domingo 20 de enero de 2013
El Parque Nacional Volcán Tenorio se ubica en el límite entre las provincias de Alajuela y Guanacaste. En las faldas del macizo del volcán Tenorio nace el río Buena Vista conocido popularmente como Río Celeste. Este río presenta
coloraciones de tonos turqueza y celeste, debido a la actividad volcánica.
¿En qué consisten las Giras de Campo?

¿Quién puede participar?

¿Por qué visitar esta zona?

Son actividades de campo recreativas y con un componente educativo, donde un profesional en la materia guía a los participantes en el campo mientras brinda información científica que enriquece el recorrido.
Las giras de campo son aptas para personas que deseen conocer la geografía de Costa Rica, recrearse sanamente y aprender.
Las giras de campo son abiertas para todo tipo de personas. Recomendad para personas mayores a 10 años de edad a 70.
El Parque Nacional Volcán Tenorio es un magnífico laboratorio de campo donde las personas podrán aprender a reconocer la actividad volcánica de una forma diferente.

    Hora de salida 6 a.m. del centro de San José, contiguo al Teatro Nacional. Se recoge a los asistentes que estén en la ruta. (Favor indicarlo con anticipación). Estar con 15 minutos de antelación en el sitio de salida. Por ser una actividad de campo, y tener la política de puntualidad, así como por lo lejos del destino, no esperamos a nadie más allá de la hora de partida.
    Desayuno Box: En el autobús 7:00
    Parada para ir al baño: 7:30am
    Llegada al Hotel Catarata Río Celes: 10:30am
    Inicio de caminata en el Parque Nacional Volcán Tenorio: 11:00am
    Retorno hacia el hotel: 1:30pm
    Almuerzo en el hotel: 2:30pm
    Salida del autobús hacia San Jose: 4:00pm
Llegada a San José: 8:00pm

Punto o sitios que visitaremos

1- Parque Nacional Volcán Tenorio
3-Cascada río Celeste
4-Mirador del volcán Tenorio
2-290-0865  •  8-871-6236  • 
TribuGlobal.com   •   GeoGrafiaCR@GeoGroupCR.com


Field Trip:
Tenorio Volcano National Park - Rio Celeste

Sunday January 20, 2013

The Tenorio Volcano National Park is located on the border between the provinces of Alajuela and Guanacaste. In the foothills of the Tenorio Volcano starts the Buena Vista River, popularly known as Rio Celeste. This river has the colorations of turquoise and blue tones, due to volcanic activity.

Field activities are recreational and an educational component, where a professional in the field guides participants in the field while providing scientific information that enriches the journey.


The field trips are suitable for people who wish to know the geography of Costa Rica, and learn healthy recreation.
The field trips is open to all kinds of people ages 10 years of age to 70.  It looks like it IS in ESPANOL • SPANISH so that will be helpful!

The Tenorio Volcano National Park is a magnificent field laboratory where people can learn to recognize the volcanic activity differently.


6am   Departure - They WILL leave ON TIME - NO Exceptions.
San Jose center, adjacent to the Teatro Nacional•National Theatre.
                        Pick up attendees who are on the way (please indicate in advance) - be at the pickup site 15 minutes prior to departure.

7am            Box Breakfast in the bus
7:30 am      Toilet stop  

10:30am     Arrival at the Cataract Hotel Rio Celes
11am          Start walking in the Tenorio Volcano National Park     
1:30pm      Return to the hotel      
2:30pm      Lunch at the hotel
4pm           Out of the bus to San Jose  
8pm           Arrival in San Jose

1 - Tenorio Volcano National Park
2 - Teñideros
3 - Rio ​​Celeste Waterfall
4 - Mirador del Volcan Tenorio


2-290-0865  •  8-871-6236  • 
TribuGlobal.com   •   GeoGrafiaCR@GeoGroupCR.com

Please SHARE this link with EVERYONE you know that will find this information helpful/interesting
(especially on Facebook!) 

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